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Service BtoB by FIT in NETWORK®

Service BtoB by FIT in NETWORK®

What we found The BtoB services sector is particularly exposed to the consequences of the crisis we are going through because : It is a variable of adjustment and reduction of budgets within client companies that reduce contracts and put pressure on prices; It is directly concerned with the aspects of interpersonal contact and promiscuity; […]

Testimony of Dorianne Willeman

Testimony of Dorianne Willeman

Dorianne Willeman describes her career path up to her arrival at FIT in NETWORK®️ 😊 Her leitmotiv is to never forget the human being behind all the decisions she has taken during her assignments in companies, which is also a key point for us! Our experts are the reason why we built FIT in NETWORK®️, […]

Smart Workplace & Digital workplace by FIT in NETWORK®

Smart Workplace & Digital workplace by FIT in NETWORK®

Our findings This crisis is shaking up our ways of operating and some of our certainties, leading us to refocus on the essential, i.e. the human being. A certain number of locks have been broken: Forced generalisation of working from home : 1 employee out of 2 has experimented with this mode of working in […]

Several missions to be filled: Operational Controllers (Ref. 20.052)

Several missions to be filled: Operational Controllers (Ref. 20.052)

We are looking for several profiles of Operational Controllers   The company Distribution group present on all continents Manufacturing and distribution of B to C products The mission Analysis of subsidiary performance Preparation of dashboards and monitoring of KPI’s Management of the annual budget year, analysis of variations Development of tools and processes Interfaces between […]

Jean-Michel Piau, Director of Operations sends us his message of solidarity Covid-19

Jean-Michel Piau, Director of Operations sends us his message of solidarity Covid-19

The stakes of crisis management In recent years, crises have multiplied as a result of new forms of work, technological progress, a change in awareness and therefore in consumer expectations… Numerous factors have thus weakened companies and the world in which we live. These situations are gradually affecting all organisations and call each structure into […]

Being a Premium Expert: advantage n°4

Being a Premium Expert: advantage n°4

Dear members, One week ago today, the deconfinement began, on 11 May 2020, a date that is so long awaited in France. These last two months, we have all lived at the rhythm of the confinement, with its constraints but also its new opportunities. This period has had an impact on the interim management market, […]