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Service BtoB by FIT in NETWORK®

Service BtoB by FIT in NETWORK®

What we found The BtoB services sector is particularly exposed to the consequences of the crisis we are going through because : It is a variable of adjustment and reduction of budgets within client companies that reduce contracts and put pressure on prices; It is directly concerned with the aspects of interpersonal contact and promiscuity; […]

Smart Workplace & Digital workplace by FIT in NETWORK®

Smart Workplace & Digital workplace by FIT in NETWORK®

Our findings This crisis is shaking up our ways of operating and some of our certainties, leading us to refocus on the essential, i.e. the human being. A certain number of locks have been broken: Forced generalisation of working from home : 1 employee out of 2 has experimented with this mode of working in […]

Being a Premium Expert: advantage n°4

Being a Premium Expert: advantage n°4

Dear members, One week ago today, the deconfinement began, on 11 May 2020, a date that is so long awaited in France. These last two months, we have all lived at the rhythm of the confinement, with its constraints but also its new opportunities. This period has had an impact on the interim management market, […]

Closure of the campaign “1,000 experts – 1,000 expert opinions! »

Closure of the campaign “1,000 experts – 1,000 expert opinions! »

Our series of testimonials is coming to an end 😔 We would like to personally and warmly thank all our experts for their participation, trust and daily support! Together we are building the community to face the future challenges of interim management! 🚀 A big thank you to everyone who followed our campaign throughout September […]

Supply-Chain, Logistics, Sourcing, E-Commerce

Supply-Chain, Logistics, Sourcing, E-Commerce

What we found At a time when France and the global economy is getting ready to recover, companies are faced with choices of HR, operational and financial priorities. You’re gonna have to deal with this: Low demand and having to restart with your internal means. Or an intense activity that will require additional resources or […]

Retail, Distribution & Direction Commerciale

Retail, Distribution & Direction Commerciale

Our findings Since the Covid 19 crisis and the containment measures, Retailers and Sales Departments have been confronted with unprecedented situations. The suddenness of these events has forced companies to react urgently with the available human and material resources. This has led to profound changes in organizations. Few sectors have been spared, and few companies […]

1,000 Experts – 1,000 Expertise Campaign! »

1,000 Experts – 1,000 Expertise Campaign! »

The genesis of the “1,000 Experts – 1,000 Experts!” campaign. The symbolic threshold of 1000 experts registered, referenced and visible on our FIT in NETWORK® competence platform was exceeded in the summer of 2020. It is a solid foundation enabling us to develop and to offer new mission offers throughout the year. Our ambition, thanks […]



Our findings Investors, shareholders, funds and banking institutions that own SME assets need to diagnose the situation at some point in the life of these assets and initiate improvement plans so that they can be translated into ECONOMIC RESULTS that meet their expectations. Likewise, those working with these companies (lawyers, chartered accountants, consultancy firms, CACs, […]